
A few short years ago the Haverstraw community was a small neighborhood on the outskirts of Monsey with a handful of families. Today, a bustling community with hundreds of families Baruch HaShem.

Yet, with the enormous growth comes new challenges. Our current space, a humble basement, has been the cornerstone of our thriving kehilla, but it can no longer accommodate the explosive growth we are experiencing.

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Now is the time to lay the foundation for our future. Under the leadership of our Rav, Harav Yehuda Leib Reidel Shlit’a We are embarking on an ambitious journey to build our Shul, a place that mirrors our aspirations and meets our expanding needs.

But we cannot do this alone.

Please partner with us. Every contribution, large or small, will play a pivotal role in shaping the next chapter of our Shul’s legacy and the community’s future. Please join us in ensuring that our Shul continues to thrive as a makom torah and tefillah for us and our future generations.


Number of Donors: 1128


Shua Schorr
Pesach Schorr
Joshua Yarmush
for aliya
Dovid and Sara Rosenthal
Ben lowy
Naftoli Katzman
in honor of Rabbi Reidel for all rebbe does for us and in honor of Shuey for everything you do for the Tzibur
for maos chitim
David Fine
In Honor Of Rabbi Riedel Shlita
Moshe Belkin
Yitzchok Miller
In honor of zevpossick
Zev Possick
Rabbi Reidel Moas chiitim
Israel Grossman
Noshi Zelikovitz
Joseph Gestetner
Menny Schwab
In honor of Rabbi Reidel
Mr and Mrs Eliezer Zelman In honor of our dear children Rabbi and Mrs. Avraham Pressburger
Ben Friedman
Moshe Wasserman
Zeidy and Bobby Simonovits
Esti and Avrumi, you make us so proud!
Bubby Gewirtzman
Menachem and Chaya Slamovits
לע״נ הרה״ק ר׳ ישעיה ב״ר משה זיע״א
Alexander family
Elliot Weiss
Yisroel Smith
Mr and Mrs chaim Rieder
Nina Bernstein
Zevi Kraus
Meir and Sari Rieder
L. Tauber
לכבוד ר' משה איידעלשטיין
Raphael Balzam
B Weinberger
Noach and Carole Simon
Feivi and Tammy Klein
Ravs Chair Dedication
Tzvi Eisenstein
Duvi & Shaindy Taub
Ravs Office Dedication
Bais Medrash Dedication
Aron Kodesh 2nd BM
Bima 2nd BM Dedication
Ner Tomid Dedication
Otzer Haseforim Dedication
Ravs Shtender
Ari and Ahuva Bojman
Yehuda Aryeh & Shana Brecher
It must be difficult being the shortest guy in shul... Hatzlacha Rabbah!
katzenstein family
Dr Baruch Twersky
Yisroel meir
Heinemann Family
Yaakov Klein
Sender & Michal Katzenstein
Shragie Bomzer
IHO Akiva & Bat7 Bomzer & kiddos
Chaim & Rikki
Dovi Inzlicht
Yehuda Dardashty
Moshe and Zahava Kracko
In honor of our wonderful neighbors the Pressmans
Mr. Mohel
Boom it works
Pesachya Ackerman
Ezzy Dicker
Only bec you asked so nicely.
Joshua Burstein
Elizabeth Botwinick
Baruch Schorr
Baruch Schorr
Gave you a dollar more than Dave bec of the Vav in honor your father and mother 🙂
Ozzie Rabinowitz First Capital Management, LLC
Ben Weintraub
Spencer Silver
In Zechus of Spencer Isen
Dovid Weimer
PD and Gitty Katz
I’m honor of Mendy and Sara Rivka and family ! Can’t wait to come visit the new shul
Yossie and Tali
Moshe Tepper
In Honor Of Our Dear Children Yaakov And Deena Schoenfeld For All Your Dedicated Wok In Tzorchei Tzibbur! You Make Us Very Proud!!! Ari And Miri Taub
Yaakov Lebovics
Yossi and Meiri
Yossi and Meiri
Yis and Ruti
Joe Brull
Mordechai Schiller in honor of Rabbi Reidel
Moshey & Leah Freiman
Shaya Levin
Can't wait to daven in the new shul with my dear children Itty & Yekusiel Eckstein and their beautiful children from Zaidy & Bubby Levin
Yossi and Meiri
Victor Shine
Thanks for your help even though we bought in Jackson
Mordechai Binder
Avi Kohn
Chaim Silberberg
Shira Wolfson
In honor of a most dear and special friend, Sarah!!
Tizku LiMitzvos!
Tizku LiMitzvos!
Tizku LiMitzvos!
Tizku LiMitzvos!
Tizku LiMitzvos!
Tizku LiMitzvos!
Tizku Baderech LiMitzvos!
Nathan & Bryndie Hellmann
In honor of Reuvein and Tzirel Brick
Serena Hain
In honor of Yekusiel and Itty - The JCN OG’s I learned a huge amount from and have become incredible friends!
Dovid & Emma Saidov
Ron Molkner
Yaakov Fischman
Tzviki and Cheyenne Pollak
Dovi & Rivi Jaroslawicz
Dovi & Rivi Jaroslawicz
Dovid and Blimi Stulman
Ezzi and Devora Schonfeld
Dovid & Leah Braham
Deni and Estie flegmann
Deni and Estie flegmann
Joseph Zweig
Karyn & Lenny Friedman
Moshe Schonfeld
Thank you for the beautiful laining for the Shul!
Yosef Leff
Y. Lapa
Jack and Alexandra Gindi
Yitzi and Rikki Schonfeld
Brian & Deena Rosenstock
yoni Mermelstein
Gavi Wassner
Yekusiel Szanzer
Keep on doing good
Ahron Sussman
Yitzchok & Esther Vorchheimer
In honor of Yehuda and Miriam Vorchheimer and family
Moses Goldberger
Aron Samowitz
Chaim your a real Yid !!!!!!!
Eli & Sara Klein
Da Fischer
Pinchas Gertner
Joel Berger
Yosef & Hindy Jungreis
In honor of my dear friend Yaakov.
Chaim & Racheli Zagelbaum
Elchonon Butrimovitz
A.Y. Cohen
IHO Avner the legend
בנימין לעבאוויטש
In honor of Reb Mordechai who is always available for people in need!
Yehudah Richmond
Aron Parnes
Bin Levi
Yehuda Wagner
Shmuly Deutsch
Mordechai and Rivka Levovitz
Yitzy Herbst
Bubby Eckstein
In honor of Yekusiel and Itty Eckstein
Lamar Jackson
Moshe & Lynn Friedman
In honor of Reuven and Tzirl Brick
Noach and Atara Katzenstein
Noach and Atara Katzenstein
Noach and Atara Katzenstein
Noach and Atara Katzenstein
Noach and Atara Katzenstein
Avi Feitman
In honor of the wonderful Bricks, a true Torah family.
Moishe and Dini Kraus
Efraim Steif
In honor of Rabbi Reidel.
Efraim Steif
In honor of the Weinberger Family
Hillel Stern
Boruch Obstfeld
Malkie Schorr
Malkie Schorr
Ora&Michael Ackerman
Pinny Brecher
Zeilingold family
Meir and Fraidee Berger
Mel Avigayil Boroosan
Mel Avigayil boroosan
Miri and Meir Jacobs
Mordechai Groner
Zevi Katz
Jeremy Grossman
Avromi and Malkie Neiman
Totty & Mommy E.
In honor of Yekusiel, Itty & the entire cutest gang!
Avi and Gila Balsam
Shalom Orlian
Yakov and Sori Felder
Hatzlacha Rabba!
Shalom Orlian
Nossi & Aviva Mehl in honor of Miri & Akiva Topper and our wonderful grandchildren
Shaindee Schorr
Shaindee Schorr
Naftoli Kugelman
Uncle Ari & Aunt Rochel Sima
We gave all our money to the Klien’s team. All the anonymous donations you received were from us.
M Wieder
T&M Wieder
Akiva & Batsheva Bomzer
M&k catering matching yaakov katz photography
Jacob Katz
Nechemiah & Rivky Zweig
Yonah Lax
Rabbi and Mrs. Chaitovsky
In honor of the auslander family
Menachem & Yisraella Weiss
Ashi and Estie Friedman
To our favorite family in Haverstraw
Tuli & Sarah Tepfer
In honor of Dovid & Yaffa & Family
Aryeh Weiss
Shaima & Rochel Eckstein
Lichvod the martino way rockstars we love you!!!!
Zevi Hammelburger
Daniel Grama
Gila Tropper
Keep up your amazing avoidas hakodesh on the board for many years to come!
Shiya & Layie Friedman
Dovi Schwed
M&k catering matching prime packaging
Aaron & Tova Stern
Chaim Moore
Michael @ Prime Packaging
Aaron & Tova Stern
Jeno and mommy naomchkies
M&K catering match to Hatzlacha landscaping
Kinyan Energy!
ZBLee .
Aaron & Tova Stern
Huge Tzvi Klein fan!
Aaron & Tova Stern
Heshy Litchfield
Aaron & Tova Stern
Aaron & Tova Stern
Benny boxorim
Main Street Optical
You're the best!
Yedidya and Breindy Zeilingold
Yedidya and Breindy Zeilingold
Chaim Blisko
Bubby Esta
Uncle Shmuel & Tanta Shani
Kinyan Energy!
Heshy Litchfield
Chaim Blisko
Dovid Sherman
Jack Tress
In honor of R Malinowitz Kinyan 9pm
Find out who gave this donation
Michoel Schmutter
Yossi Moser
Eli Senderowicz
Can I use your bathroom by kiddush?
Tzvi klein
Match via M&K catering
Akiva & Batsheva Bomzer
ephraim weissman
Tzvi klein
Kasriel gewirtzman
Lizer and Lolly Jozefovic
Yitz & Adina Kahan-Frankl
Eddie and Chana Klein
In honor of the Topper family Lezeicher Nishmas Zaidy Mandel
Yossi Rosenberg
Chaim & Shira Heinemann
Reuven and Chavi knobel
Jacks Inc.
Sponsored ad: Keep up the good work! From Jack’s Hooka bar and meat board emporium.
Reuven and Chavi Knobel
Yonasan Raz
Chaim & Shira Heinemann
Bobby Kraus
In Honor of my Grandchildren Dovid and Peri
Yechiel and Chany Barnetsky
Susie Grama
Hatzlacha rabba In honor of the Brick Family
Dovi Malinowitz
Chaim & Shira Heinemann
Cant wait for shabbos lunch with you guys!!
Nachamah Jacobovits
Naftoli Yarmush
Chaim & Shira Heinemann
Avrumi & Golda
Chaim & Shira Heinemann
The Bricks
Chesky Friedman
Yosef Dov & Rochel Herskowitz
Ely Schwartz
Rafi & Tehilah Guttman
Baruch & Mindy Munk
Yoseph Grossman
To many more years on the board!
Baruch & Mindy Munk
Zev Binder
Babby Mandel (Gestetner)
Ushi & Sarah Leah Halberstam
Reuven & Malkah Weinstein
Shmuly & Raisy Silberstein
Shmuly & Raisy Silberstein
Pinky and Hildy Schorr
Pinky and Hildy Schorr
With much appreciation to the Baum family!
Yitzi Katz
Avrohom Feldheim
Meir and Hadar Baum
Meir & Nechama Bienenfeld
Yisroel Butrimovitz
Michael Bloch
Elisha Grinfeld
Kasriel gewirtzman
Mentch on a bentch
Kasriel Gewirtzman
Avi & Tirtza
Moshe & Racheli Fulda
Izzy & Avigayil Gerstel
Kasriel gewirtzman
Joseph Bernstein
Pessie Gewirtzman
Izzy & Avigayil Gerstel
In Honor of Moshe Tischler shoutout on ליל ששי בבינברי
Moshe & Elana Stamm
Straight from the heart and beard
Pessie Gewirtzman
In honor of the Pressman
Kasnett Meir
Pesach Schorr family
Jay Levin
Yoni & Tova Eisenberger
In honor of the Rav Shlita and the entire Kehilla!
Eliyahu and Bracha Lerer
In Honor of Henry Heineken
Eli Kohn
Josh Heber
Meir and Hadar Baum
In honor for all you do for the shul.
Josh Heber
Yosef and Rechy Heinemann
Can’t wait to attend Ozzy’s Bar Mitzvah in your new beautiful shul, Iy’h.
Josh Heber
Josh Heber
Josh Heber
Meir and Hadar Baum
In honor for all you do for the shul.
Josh Heber
Josh Heber
Shaya Schiffman
Meir and Hadar Baum
Thank you for everything the Rav does for the community.
Josh Heber
Munks Bayswater
Katzenstein and Sova Families
Josh Heber
Meir & Hadar Baum
In honor of all you do for the shul.
Your tireless efforts on a weekly basis to secure a Baal Korei does not go unnoticed
Josh Heber
ST & Yaacov Stern
Meir & Hadar Baum
In honor of all you do for the shul.
Shimon Lefkowitz
Binyomin Ashin
pinchas nussbaum
Mancy Mortzman
In honor of Chaim Heineman, Tzvi Saks and the legend Menashe Meyers!
Yeshaya and Tzivi Kraines
Behrend Family Kupah
David Kushner
Avi and Racheli Kagan
Tatyana Rabaev
Simi and Esther Malky Lam
Great pep talk
Yaakov Wohlgelernter
Simi and Esther Malky Lam
Chanie and moishe Silber
Mendy Eckstein
In honor of Yekusiel and the amazing website,
Dovid & Malki Saks
Eli & SE Cohen
Joe Leff
Joe Leff
Avrumi & Kreindy Lipschitz
LKoved Ramirez!
In honor of all the building committee members for all the hard work they put in to this campaign.
Shimon & Yehudis Levi
Pinky & Chanie
IN HONOR OF AVROMI + SARA Pioneers of the Shul and the force behind many many great accomplishments. Achieved with generosity and great humility.
Yosef Malinowitz
Yaakov and Miri Berger
Keep doing amazing work!
Shimon & Yehudis Levi
Shragi and Esti Zlotnick
Moish Noble
Steven Miller
Yehuda Safran
For Avi’s seat
Yisochor & Malkie Heinemann
Eastern construction group
Moshe and Malka Jacobs
Pinchas & Malky Katzenstein
Hatzlacha Rabba from Abba and Mommy
Moshe and Michal Schonfeld
Moshe and Michal Schonfeld
Moshe and Michal Schonfeld
Moshe and Michal Schonfeld
Moshe and Michal Schonfeld
Ashi & Raizy Affen
In honor of the best Uncle & Aunt and cousin Yitzy!!!!!!!!
Moshe and Michal Schonfeld
Moshe and Michal Schonfeld
Moshe and Michal Schonfeld
joshua herzka
Moshe and Michal Schonfeld
Moshe and Michal Schonfeld
Moshe and Michal Schonfeld
Moshe and Michal Schonfeld
Moshe and Michal Schonfeld
Moshe and Michal Schonfeld
Moshe and Michal Schonfeld
Moshe and Michal Schonfeld
Moshe and Michal Schonfeld
Shimon Rosenberg
Leni & Donny Kazarnovsky
In honor of Meyer Family!
Shmuel and Gitty Berger
Shimshy Tress
Kayla Leiser
Chani Kaplan in honor of my Choshova Uncle and Tanta.
Sari & CM Rubin
Isaac Gruenebaum
Nethanel Samuels
Shmuel Loebenberg
Chaim and Batya
Kendyl Feldman
Lighting Direct NJ
Avi & Ayala
Mr and Mrs Eliezer Zelman
In honor of our dear children Rabbi and Mrs. Avraham Pressburger
Judith Levi and family
Gavi Wassner II
in honor of the OG chavrusa
Tamar Kornitzer
Shmuel Heineman
Eliezer Mittel
Thank you for transforming it into a Bais HaMedrash.
Eliezer Mittel
Thank you for transforming it into a Bais HaMedrash.
Moshe Schonfeld
Behrend Family Kupah
Chaya Rivka & Dov Lieberman
Moshe Schonfeld
Eli Mittel
In honor of the Rav, who is an inspiration for the whole community.
In honor of the Rt Hon Jacob Goldberger
Tzipora Leiser
Yitzchak Rosenberg
Yossy & Estie Klein
Dovid & Avigayil Erblich
In honor of the amazing efforts that both of you have put in towards making this shul happen!!
Pollak Family
Pollak Family
Thank you for the daily Mincha and Thursday Cholent!
Yehuda & Devorah Hirsch
Pinky & Rochela Zagelbaum
Shimon Pancer
El Nadav
Elchonon Keleman
In honor of Dovid, the best chavrusa!!!
Shmuli and Yidisel Kraus
Lots of mazel in your new home and new shul
Simcha Stern
Social experiment
Bubby Pressman
Yaakov Lieberman
Please hit back Mackenzie shul .thanks
Mendy Rosen
In honor of R' Mordche and family! Thank you so much for everything you do for the community b'chlal u'biprat!
Yaakov Bedziner
Daniel and Shiffy Cooper
Devoiry 🙂
In honor of Itty-a role model of simchas hachayim!!
Judah Mischel
Aron Michoel Weinberger
Shmuel and Tehila Mandl
EBL Jewelry
Ezzy and Laila
Yechiel Vorchheimer
Yaakov Weissman
Shloime and Devoiry Vogel
Joel Gruber
Dovid & Racheli Levy
In honor of the Geshmak Shlomo & Batsheva Schoenfeld Family
Menachem M Nemes
Team Name Raised Goal
Rabbi Reidel $313,406.00 $300,000.00
Mordechai Binder Family $33,795.40 $30,000.00
Zevi Klein Family $30,813.00 $30,000.00
Saks Family $30,341.00 $30,000.00
Heineman Family $22,436.00 $23,000.00
Katzenstein Family $15,544.52 $16,000.00
Cooper Family $13,633.40 $12,000.00
David Schorr Family $13,301.00 $8,000.00
Weinberger Family $11,947.40 $8,000.00
Topper Family $11,128.04 $8,000.00
Erblich Family $10,339.40 $8,000.00
Tepfer Family $9,792.00 $8,000.00
Pressburger Family $9,711.40 $8,000.00
Nossi Binder Family $9,555.40 $8,000.00
Rabaev Family $9,184.00 $8,000.00
Vorchheimer Family $8,873.40 $8,000.00
Lopian Family $8,831.40 $8,000.00
Pesach Schorr Family $7,150.40 $8,000.00
Weissman Family $6,791.40 $20,000.00
Schenker Family $6,421.40 $8,000.00
Sova Family $6,009.40 $8,000.00
Brick Family $5,940.00 $8,000.00
Weiss Family $5,233.00 $8,000.00
Wieder Family $5,222.00 $8,000.00
Yaakov Goldberger Family $5,141.98 $8,000.00
Edelstein Family $4,973.40 $8,000.00
Yaakov Schonfeld Family $4,770.40 $8,000.00
Tzvi Klein Family $4,748.00 $16,000.00
Meyers Family $4,668.00 $8,000.00
Ehrman Family $4,577.00 $8,000.00
Yehoshua Baum Family $4,371.40 $8,000.00
Pressman Family $4,264.00 $8,000.00
Katz Family $4,211.40 $8,000.00
Bomzer Family $4,187.40 $8,000.00
Nadoff Family $3,850.40 $8,000.00
Senderowicz Family $3,771.40 $8,000.00
AuslanderFamily $3,572.00 $8,000.00
Balsam Family $3,538.00 $8,000.00
Meir Baum Family $3,488.40 $8,000.00
Eckstein Family $2,988.00 $8,000.00
Kushner Family $2,612.00 $8,000.00
Malinowitz Family $2,551.40 $8,000.00
Moshe Schonfeld Family $2,256.60 $8,000.00
Bernholtz Family $2,180.40 $8,000.00
Shlomo Schonfeld Family $2,138.00 $8,000.00
Kogos Family $1,651.40 $8,000.00
Bogopolsky Family $1,601.40 $8,000.00
Wagner Family $1,545.01 $3,000.00
Smith Family $1,532.00 $8,000.00
Friedman Family $1,443.40 $8,000.00
Wiener Family $1,399.41 $8,000.00
Halpern Family $1,391.40 $8,000.00
Isen Family $1,246.00 $8,000.00
Ben Kaplan Family $1,012.00 $8,000.00
Rosen Family $1,011.40 $8,000.00
Sassoon Family $720.00 $6,000.00
Shapiro Family $610.00 $8,000.00
Werther Family $571.40 $8,000.00
Dunner Family $571.40 $8,000.00
Landsberg Family $344.00 $8,000.00
Zargari Family $232.00 $2,000.00
Eisnberger Family $108.00 $8,000.00
Grunenbaum Family $36.00 $8,000.00
Akiva Goldberger Family $0.00 $8,000.00
Aschkenazy Family $0.00 $8,000.00
Berkowitz Family $0.00 $8,000.00
Kohn Family $0.00 $8,000.00
Krohn Family $0.00 $8,000.00
Yisroel Kaplan Family $0.00 $8,000.00



Tax ID #: 88-1617935

48 DUNNIGAN DR | POMONA, NY 10970 | (845) 232-1613

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